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Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold real face-to-face meetings, often at very low cost or for free.There are many ways to use communication technology, such as company meetings, job training, or speaking to members.

How Video Conferencing Works

The main advantage of video conferencing over the phone is that users can see each other, which allows them to relate.There are many ways to conduct a video conference. Users can use a connected or built-in webcam to a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. Smartphones and other devices equipped with cameras can be used to connect to video chats. In this case, a software-based platform is usually used to carry Internet protocol communication.

Video conferencing is a real-time video-based meeting using video equipment between two or more people in different locations. Video conferencing allows many people to meet and collaborate remotely face-to-face by sending audio, video, text and presentations over the Internet in real time.

Video conferencing software supports online meetings for audio meetings, video conferencing and seminars with built-in features such as chat, screen sharing and recording. These applications are used to facilitate long-distance or international communication, improve collaboration and reduce travel costs. Employees at all levels of the organization can use video conferencing tools to hold or attend virtual meetings with colleagues, business partners, or customers, even with people joining from anywhere.